Solar Based Micro Hybridized Auto-Rickshaw
Automobile rickshaws are small, three-wheeled vehicles which are being used thoroughly in many Asian countries (i. e. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan etc.) for the sake of transportation of public and goods. The vehicles are small and narrow allowing for easy transportability in busy Asian metropolises. In Bangladesh, auto rickshaws/easy bikes commonly offer their taxi-services, as they are incredibly inexpensive to operate. Concurrently these three-wheelers running on fuel cause severe air-pollution and produce considerable amounts of greenhouse gasses (i.e. carbon dioxide). This paper presents a transportation system based upon auto rickshaws that operate in an eco-friendly way. Existing vehicles are to be substituted by a micro cross type system redesigned in a manner which boosts the efficiency of the vehicle. In addition, a recharging infrastructure is proposed that will allow for the power-packs to be charged using partially alternative energy such as solar power. Thus far, we have appeared at the existing vehicle and the environment, in which it operates, made a model of the vehicle in SolidWorks13 software and investigated re-charging infrastructure requirements and designs. The goal of the research presented in this paper is to develop a compact, robust and affordable hybrid system as a way to significantly reducing fuel consumption and exhausts of auto-rickshaws.
In this proposed vehicle, electrical and thermal energy sources are combined via micro hybrid system. As energy sources ICE and Batteries are being used. These two power sources are hybridized. The battery is charged my means of national grid and solar energy. There are several hybridization methods available like Series, parallel, series-parallel and complex; parallel hybridization is implemented here. The basic difference between a hybrid and a conventional vehicle is the braking system. Hybrid vehicles use regenerative braking system; an energy recovery module which slows down the vehicle by transforming it's kinetic energy into a form used immediately to other works or stored for further use.
Fig: Power Train
Fig: Topological Design
A micro hybrid vehicle uses a ‘start-stop system’, a regenerative breaking technology is applied here for stopping an ICE when the system pulls to a stop and to restart it by pushing the accelerator. A vehicle can be hybridized in many different mechanisms. Micro hybridization is the simplest type. Here the proposed vehicle is being designed and the power calculations along with fuel consumption economy has been done in this research under typical conditions and the parameters (with dimensioning) of the machine elements are taken as per local market specifications available in Bangladesh.
Fig: Design of Proposed Vehicle in SolidWorks 13
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